How to Make Time Fly (inspired by Tom Robbins)

1. Glue pigeon wings to an analog clock and grab a group of strangers to cheer, "Fly! Fly! Fly!".  This option is first due to its 49% success rate; other options might work better.

2. Build depressions in both the left and right sides of your brain for memories of your friends and family to rest in, but build bridges (stay away from Tacoma Narrows style failures) for them to freely travel between sides as they wish.

3. Drink chamomile tea, give it up, and start drinking it again

4. Walk down the same trails as often as possible, memorizing the landscapes so you can recognize when the crops change and disappear.

5. Collect wild blackberries; eat them fast.

6. Cover your windows with stray pieces of cloth in hopes of belying the true colors expressed by the sun (or a lack thereof).

7. Include dilatory tasks into a daily routine to strip them of their negative connotation.  My favorite is organizing coins collected from various countries into piles, followed by turning them orthogonally to the table and counting the seconds that they can stand on their side.

8. Gain temerity.  This is an important one.

9. Count the stamps in your passport, then count the number of windows between you and the outside.

10. Study René Magritte's "Young Girl Eating a Bird" and recognize the meaninglessness behind mystery.

11. Concilate the chips in your nails, the sticker ripping off of your water bottle, your short hair, broken headphones, the mosquito bite scars that cover your legs, all of the words in the dictionary that you may never know. Conciliate that home is inextricable.

12. Meditate on your computer calendar, occasionally lifting it to see what lies beneath.